Simply supported beams, cantilever beams, fixed beams, and overhanging beams are the types of beams according to end support conditions. Also, we cover what is beam. Why beams are provided? And a brief explanation of types of the beam in building construction.
What is a beam?
In the building, there is a one-load cycle. Where load comes from the superstructure is transferred through the different components to the substructure of the building. For example, the load of the slab is transferred to slab to beam, then a load of beam and slab is transferred from the beam to column, and at the end, the load from the column is transferred to the footing. And then it went to the ground.
So the bean is the component of the structure that helps transfer the load from the horizontal member to the vertical member. Also, it supports the slab.
The beam is the structural component that bears the load on the lateral axis from the slab and transfers that to the column.
Why beam is provided?
1. To support slab and roof
As a beam is a very important member which supports the slab and roof of the building. Without a beam, it is not possible to construct a slab and roof over the building.
2. To transfer load
We should construct a building in which load can be easily transferred from the superstructure to the substructure. And we cannot break the link of transferring load. The beam is so important member of the building to transfer lateral load.
There are some other factors by which beam is so important but these two are the main point why we provide beams in building construction.
Types of the beam according to end support condition
1. Simply supported beam
2. Continuous beam
3. Fixed-ended beam
4. Overhanging beam
5. Cantilever beam
1. Simply supported beam
The simply supported beam is a beam, which has both ends either simply supported, roller supported and pin supported or we can say hinge support.
This is called simply supported me because of its end support condition.
This type of bean is mainly used in bridge construction and building construction.
2. Continuous beam
A continuous beam is a type of beam, which has more than one support in one span of the bean. In a continuous beam, the supports are simply supports, roller support, hinge support, or in some cases at the end of the beam fix support are there.
This called continuous beam because this beam continues for the long Span. This type of beam is used in complex roof structures, bridges, multi-story buildings, etc.
3. Fixed-ended beam
As the name suggests the fixed-ended beam is a beam that has both ends fixed. Because both ends fix the beam not allow to rotate and move in the horizontal and vertical directions.
4. Overhanging beam
The overhanging beam is a beam, which has either one side or both sides extended from the end support as shown in the below figure. In this type of bean sometime only one end is extended beyond the end support and sometimes both ends are extended.
This beam is called overhanging beam because it's one end or both ends are hanging in the air without any support at the end of the beam.
5. Cantilever beam
The cantilever beam is a beam, in which one end is fixed and another end is hanging in the air without any support.
In this type of beam when we apply the load at a free and the load transfer through the fixed and by rotating action.
so these are the main types of beams according to the end conditions of the beam. I hope you understand everything that I mentioned above.