Types of foundation in building construction (difference between footing and foundation)
Foundation is an area of the building which is below the Earth level is called the foundation. Foundation is the base of the building where we cast our footing. In this article, we described what is foundation. Difference between footing and foundation. Types of foundation and more.
Our motive: is to provide information in a way that is as simple as possible.
Table of contents
1. What is the foundation of the building?
2. Difference between footing and foundation.
1. What is the foundation of the building?
In simple words, the foundation is the portion of the building structure that is available below the group levels. Where we provide footing or in some cases ground parking.
In technical words, The structural member that supports the building and Transmits the load of the building from the sub-structure to the soil.
Foundation is different for every construction and many factors affect the foundation of the building. One of these factors is soil.
2. Difference between footing and foundation.
People get too confused between footing and foundation. Both things are different from each other.
Footing is the component that is directly connected with the building and it helps the building to transfer its load to the soil.
While the foundation is what is below the soil. Foundation is the area where we can cast our footing.
In short, we can say foundation includes footing but footing cannot include foundation.
The size of the foundation is always greater than the footing.
To understand the below portion properly refer to this:- Types of footing in building construction
3. Types of foundations
shallow foundations
A shallow foundation is a foundation that has less depth compared to its width.
The foundation is created for footing only, not for the underground basement or anything that is called shallow foundations. In this foundation, the depth is so small from the ground level. Mostly used for small structures and houses like a bungalow, duplex, Town House, etc.
This type of foundation is very easy to construct as well as work speed is also good with this foundation type.
1. Individual foundation
Individual foundations include simple footing, stepped footing, and sloped footing. In-house construction where we dig the individual foundation for every footing is known as the individual foundation.
To construct a small house like a bungalow or duplex we use this type of foundation where easily we can construct a house.
Individual footing is very commonly used in India.
2. Combined footing
A combined footing is a type of footing where if two columns as too close to each other then we cast that column in the same footing or the one common footing used for both columns.
3. Speed, strip, and wall footing
These types of footing are used in shallow foundations. And you will find this thing on construction sites of G+3 or similar buildings.
4. Raft foundation or mat foundations
A raft foundation is a foundation in which we provide steel met to the whole area of the foundation to resist the heavy load of the column and other structural components. And then we cast our footing and other components. Commercial building, supermarket, and industrial building have this type of foundation where dead load and live load is high.
Also, this type of foundation is too relevant for the area where soil bearing capacity is quite low or there are higher chances of settlement of soil.
Raft foundation is a commonly used foundation but very important foundation. mostly this is used for a large area where depth is less but the overall area is too big.
Sometimes when we have too much footing for a particular area we prefer to cast a raft foundation
Deep foundation
A deep foundation is a foundation where the depth of the foundation is higher than the width of that foundation. this type of footing is mainly used for a bridge foundation and to construct some special structures.
If the depth of the foundation is greater than 3 meters then it will be considered a deep foundation.
a deep foundation is preferred when the soil bearing strength is very low, for this type of soil we can not use a shallow foundation. for a shallow foundation, we required the best soil properties of our land.
In some cases, the soil properties are quite good, but the weight of the building is too high. so we should consider it as a deep foundation.
1. Pile foundations
Where the soil is clayey or it contains low bearing capacity then mostly pile foundation is used. this is a very common type of foundation in construction engineering. A load of the building is transferred through the superstructure to the pile foundation.
There are many types of piles available in the market. also, we have both options available, pre-cast pile and cast-in-situ pile. some examples are end bearing pile, friction pile, and anchor pile.
2. Drilled shaft or caisson foundation
There are many different names for drilled shafts like drilled piers, caissons, bored piles, or CIDH(Cast in the drilled hole).
In this type of foundation, first, we drilled the hole in the land according to the plan of construction. then insert the reinforcement case in that hole and then fill it with concrete.
These all topics are covered in our future articles and we will discuss them in detail. I hope you like the content I tried my best to explain this as simply as possible.